Schedule | Devfest 2014 Birgunj

Posted By: Eena's Store On Monday, November 17, 2014

GDG DevFest Season 2014, Birgunj
22nd Nov, 9AM onward

Venue: BICCI Hall, Birta, Birgunj
Registration Starts at : 9AM to 10AM


9:00 to 10:00
Google I/O & other related Video Screening 

10:00 to 11:00 
Keynote & Plenary Session by Dipesh & Aman

11:00 to 11:50 
Debriefing Session (Android, Android Wear & App Engine) by Samrakchan Ghimire

11:50 to 12: 30 
Entrepreneurship in Nepal by Amit Agrawal (Entrepreneurship in Nepal: Problem & Solution with Google Tech)

12:30 to 12:40
Tea Break

12:40 to 1:20
WomenTechmakers Story & Android App Development (Hello World); by Binisha Shrestha & Nhasala Joshi.

1:20 to 2:10 
Navigation with Google Map & Mapmaker by Keshav Maharjan

2:10: to 2:45
Lunch Break

2:45 to 4:45
Design Sprint (Code-Design for Birgunj) with BICCI

4:45 to 5:00
Wrap Up: Thanks giving & Certificate Distribution. 

Hall: B

9:00 to 10:00
Informal Gathering & Bun-Fight

2:00 to 2:45

2:45 to 4:45
Google Doodle Art Camp

Register for DevFest Birgunj 2014

Posted By: Eena's Store On Sunday, November 16, 2014

Design Sprint | Tale and Info "Co[De] Design for Birgunj"

Posted By: Eena's Store On Thursday, November 13, 2014

The design sprint is a process for prototyping and testing any product in a very short amount of time. The general format can be easily modified to suit various requirements, with the focus being on getting people of various specialties involved in the process of solving a design problem, which itself can range from a feature to an entire product.

What happens at Design Sprint?

# People are broken down into groups, and every team is given a persona. In this case, let’s assume it’s a female chef who also runs a cooking show. She’s visiting India, and will be taking along her Google Glass with her. What apps would you design for her to get the best use out of it on this trip?

# Post it notes are distributed to all the attendees. They are encouraged to jot down all their ideas individually, however crazy, on an individual post it. About 10 minutes are spent on this process. Ideas for this case can be along the lines of an app that visually scans food and lists out the recipes.

# The teams then discuss their ideas with their teammates. Together, they grade ideas on a graph as shown, with the Y-Axis representing technical difficulty and X-Axis representing benefit to the user.

# Once they’re all marked out, the teams choose their one idea that they’d like to work on. Typically, this idea isn't too difficult, while at the same time offering a lot of benefit to the user. One such idea  in our case is of an app that makes live video reviews of food possible, which is far simpler to  accomplish as compared to the recipe idea mentioned before.

# The teams prepare prototypes (typically without any coding) to demonstrate their apps, which are presented to all the attendees. 

What are We Planning?
Co[De]sign for Birgunj

GDG DevFest Birgunj 2014

Posted By: Eena's Store On Monday, November 10, 2014

Our team are putting together the final missing parts to the biggest Google related event in Birgunj - GDG DevFest 2014, Birgunj.
This year event will take place in business capital of Narayani - Birgunj. Being an unique Terai city in Nepal, Birgunj is among top cities of Nepal, It is the main gateway to Nepal. Moreover, the city alone produces more than 60% of the total GNP for the country. So take your time to spend weekend in last hidden gem in the Nepal in company of experts, technical geeks and business mans.
So should you also be excited? Well yes… and here’s why!
Speakers: GDG DevFest Birgunj 2014

Attendance: we’re expecting over 150 attendees
Topic: more than 9 hours of pure Google technologies
Date: 22nd of November

More details about speakers, contact us directly on our hotline number +977 9843410150.
Or e-mail us at

Visit Our Official DevFest Website:

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