GDG DevFest Birgunj 2014 | A Report

Posted By: Eena's Store On Wednesday, December 17, 2014

During Keynote
GDG DevFests are large, community-run events that can offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas, all-day hack-a-thons, code labs, and more. In 2014, the official DevFest Season was placed on November 22nd at Birgunj by GDG Birgunj.

And hereby, is greeting you all, a very big Thank You for being part of it. All the Volunteers, Speakers, Sponsors, Partners,Members and the Well Wishers, without whom this event would not be possible.   

A Brief Detail on Event Stats

Agendas: Click Here

Total No. of Participants: 150
Event Photos: Click Here
Presented Slides & Videos: Click Here
Swags Provided: T-Shirt, Stickers, Lollipop, GDG DevFest Kit & Certificates

Speakers: Keshav Maharjan, Samrakchan Ghimire, Binisha Shrestha, Nhasala Joshi & Dipesh Kumar
Group Photo

Topic Covered

Android and Android Wear
Entrepreneurship in Nepal: Problem & Solution with Google Tech
WomenTechmakers Story
 Android App Development (Hello World)
Navigation with Google Map & Mapmaker
Success Story: Being Android Developer
Women In Tech
App Engine
Android L:Lollipop Overview
Google And OpenSource
Google Car, TV, Glass, etc.
Android Studio & Play Store
Google Apps for Education & Business
Udacity Courses by Google
Arduino Demo & Overview
And Many More Talks-Demos
Binisha & Nhasala speaking on 'Women In Tech'

A Brief Summary
After two months of planning and the collaborative work done by every members we finally concluded the very first GDG DevFest Session in our city Birgunj. Registration was carried by both online and offline. About 100 people registered via online and 60 via offline. In-spite the keynote was delayed, the event concluded on  time. 
Marking our First Anniversary, each participants were provided with chocolate candy and a Lollipop Stick. 
The hardware demo by Nhasala Joshi added a good impression to the audience showing the empowerment of Women. 
The Session of Amit Agrawal was carried by Samrakchan Ghimire as he was unable to attain the  event due to some personal issue. The navigation with Google session by Keshav Maharjan, which is recently launched in Nepal, gave a quick impression that "a man with google in his hand can't be lost". And the Android Wear Debriefing session by Samrakchan Ghimire made the audience lightened about the aspects of Android and its unlimited features in day-to-day life. 
Yes, we were affected by the SAARCH Summit as well. The Design Sprint Session "Code-Design for Birgunj: Greater Birgunj" has been postponed until next notice. 

Talking about the Impact; this was the very first Google Fest in the City. People really enjoyed the Tech-Story and the Sessions by our speakers. Few interesting ideas and discussion came for Android App and Play store. Some were interested to the Google Start-up Launch program and the interesting part was that they were using it. Few moderators asked us to apply Google Apps for their Business and Colleges. The only thing that was seen odd is the participation of the Girls. Of the total population only 15% of Women Participation was seen at the event. Hope, this figure get increased by next year.  
At the end Wrap-up and thanks giving session was enlightened with the Happy Faces as they received the event participation certificates & the Strawberry Candy. Many more plans and events will be seen by next year. Hope to see you soon. Thanks Everyone.

In-short: the First Anniversary of GDG Birgunj was simply Awesome.

Important Links:

Schedule | Devfest 2014 Birgunj

Posted By: Eena's Store On Monday, November 17, 2014

GDG DevFest Season 2014, Birgunj
22nd Nov, 9AM onward

Venue: BICCI Hall, Birta, Birgunj
Registration Starts at : 9AM to 10AM


9:00 to 10:00
Google I/O & other related Video Screening 

10:00 to 11:00 
Keynote & Plenary Session by Dipesh & Aman

11:00 to 11:50 
Debriefing Session (Android, Android Wear & App Engine) by Samrakchan Ghimire

11:50 to 12: 30 
Entrepreneurship in Nepal by Amit Agrawal (Entrepreneurship in Nepal: Problem & Solution with Google Tech)

12:30 to 12:40
Tea Break

12:40 to 1:20
WomenTechmakers Story & Android App Development (Hello World); by Binisha Shrestha & Nhasala Joshi.

1:20 to 2:10 
Navigation with Google Map & Mapmaker by Keshav Maharjan

2:10: to 2:45
Lunch Break

2:45 to 4:45
Design Sprint (Code-Design for Birgunj) with BICCI

4:45 to 5:00
Wrap Up: Thanks giving & Certificate Distribution. 

Hall: B

9:00 to 10:00
Informal Gathering & Bun-Fight

2:00 to 2:45

2:45 to 4:45
Google Doodle Art Camp

Register for DevFest Birgunj 2014

Posted By: Eena's Store On Sunday, November 16, 2014

Design Sprint | Tale and Info "Co[De] Design for Birgunj"

Posted By: Eena's Store On Thursday, November 13, 2014

The design sprint is a process for prototyping and testing any product in a very short amount of time. The general format can be easily modified to suit various requirements, with the focus being on getting people of various specialties involved in the process of solving a design problem, which itself can range from a feature to an entire product.

What happens at Design Sprint?

# People are broken down into groups, and every team is given a persona. In this case, let’s assume it’s a female chef who also runs a cooking show. She’s visiting India, and will be taking along her Google Glass with her. What apps would you design for her to get the best use out of it on this trip?

# Post it notes are distributed to all the attendees. They are encouraged to jot down all their ideas individually, however crazy, on an individual post it. About 10 minutes are spent on this process. Ideas for this case can be along the lines of an app that visually scans food and lists out the recipes.

# The teams then discuss their ideas with their teammates. Together, they grade ideas on a graph as shown, with the Y-Axis representing technical difficulty and X-Axis representing benefit to the user.

# Once they’re all marked out, the teams choose their one idea that they’d like to work on. Typically, this idea isn't too difficult, while at the same time offering a lot of benefit to the user. One such idea  in our case is of an app that makes live video reviews of food possible, which is far simpler to  accomplish as compared to the recipe idea mentioned before.

# The teams prepare prototypes (typically without any coding) to demonstrate their apps, which are presented to all the attendees. 

What are We Planning?
Co[De]sign for Birgunj

GDG DevFest Birgunj 2014

Posted By: Eena's Store On Monday, November 10, 2014

Our team are putting together the final missing parts to the biggest Google related event in Birgunj - GDG DevFest 2014, Birgunj.
This year event will take place in business capital of Narayani - Birgunj. Being an unique Terai city in Nepal, Birgunj is among top cities of Nepal, It is the main gateway to Nepal. Moreover, the city alone produces more than 60% of the total GNP for the country. So take your time to spend weekend in last hidden gem in the Nepal in company of experts, technical geeks and business mans.
So should you also be excited? Well yes… and here’s why!
Speakers: GDG DevFest Birgunj 2014

Attendance: we’re expecting over 150 attendees
Topic: more than 9 hours of pure Google technologies
Date: 22nd of November

More details about speakers, contact us directly on our hotline number +977 9843410150.
Or e-mail us at

Visit Our Official DevFest Website:

Google I/O 14 Post Event | Final Touch

Posted By: Eena's Store On Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Aman, Demonstrating the Live Demo
Sometimes a plan is not needed to make an event, only the enthusiasm of yours is enough to invite an event of your choice. Same thing happened yesterday (July 14). Few Phone calls from our members made us to place this Event at an instant of time.
And for this you don't need any agendas or such type of planning, just needed thing is to the follow the crowd and just listen to them.

After TWO successful I/O event by GDG BIRGUNJ this year, one at BIRGUNJ and another at ILAM. Attendees were much more excited and motivated with this event series and thereby was waiting with their Queries and Question to to Solved.
Watching their enthusiast, we decide to keep this as Google I/O Post Event | Final Touch, where we tried to answer all about their Questions and Eagerness.
Thereby we came to Address following Queries/Question:

  1. Benefits of Google I/O.
  2. Recently announced Google Technologies: Description and Overview.
  3. Android L Dev tools, Android wearables, and their API's.
  4. Getting Started with the Android.
  5. Google Map API's.
  6. Google Drive API's and its use for General Purpose Computing.
  7. And Many mores......
Happy Faces with Event Certificates

Besides that, the certificate distribution program and other left over task was carried at the end of the event. 
In-short: It was a very much interactive Talks and Hands-On Lab Session for them. 
Will take their suggestions and regards in a positive way and hence will try to enhance our Events to better level.
Thank You Everyone for Your Jovial Supports.

Google I/O Extented 2014: ILAM (Event Summary)

Posted By: Eena's Store On Saturday, July 12, 2014

2014, really is the great start up for the ILAM as well, this is the first #google event in ILAM. On 7th of July the stage was ready for our 2nd "Google I/O Extended 2014" for this season.
Over 100 attendees took part in the event. And most of them were between age group from Grade VIII to K12 students. This type of participation in a Technical stuffs have highly encouraged us to take our events and discussion to High School and K12 Level as well.
IO14 at Fikkal High School, Fikkal, ILAM
Venue: Fikkal High School, Fikkal, ILAM

Sandip Niroula Explaining the Video
 Sandip Niroula one of the member of GDG Birgunj and NOSK here in the picture is illustrating the viewing season as well as Explaining the queries from the attendees.
The key attraction of the event was Android Wear, Google Car, Android TV, Google Apps and its use, Tips and Tricks for the internet and its use and many more suitable discussions were carried on for the High School/K12  Students.
The pictures of the Event can be viewed at: CLICK HERE

Ilam (इलाम) is a Hilly district of Mechi Zone in Nepal's Eastern Development Region. Very few Tech events and IT stuffs take place in there. We are proud to introduce the Google and its Technology in there. And will be looking forward for such initiation in other region as well.

Previous Event: Google I/O Extended 2014: Birgunj (Event Summary)

Google I/O Extended 2014: Birgunj (Event Summary)

Posted By: Eena's Store On Friday, July 4, 2014

#io14 : Birgunj
Last Year we came up with our First event on 15th May 2013: “Google I/O 2013 Birgunj”. 

This year we are proud for placing two successive Google I/O Extended 2014 in Nepal. 
Last week on 27th of June 2014, Birgunj was charmed with the Google I/O Extended 2014 and on July 7th we will be placing our 2nd I/O event for this season at ILAM.
Event Website For:

#io14 Birgunj
At Birgunj
This was the First Time where we distributed the Official Google I/O Extended '14 T-Shirt and GDG Birgunj Stickers. Although the Swags were limited in number but we manged to make smile on every face. Thanks for your well-wishers for providing great ideas and support for our event.
Over all 60 attendees took part in this event. The Agendas can be studied CLICK HERE. And venue was marked at Birgunj Institute of Technology. Ice Breaker, Google I/O 2014 Viewing Season, Demos & Hangouts, Code Labs and Android App Inventor was the key attraction of the Event.
Food and Swags were provided to the attendees where as career building Tip & Tricks were also mentioned at the event. The talks and Discussion was mainly new Google Tech gears like Android Wears, Android L/TV/Car etc.
And finally the event was closed by the Thanks giving Program, A gimps of smile was seen on every face as they were happy to go home with the GDG Birgunj Event Certificate, T-Shirt and Stickers.

If in case you were not able to attend the event, Here is the YouTube video of the Keynote Session

For more details visit:

Google I/O Extended 2014: Birgunj

Posted By: Eena's Store On Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I/O Extended includes anything from live streaming sessions, to local developer demos, to hackathons. These events are brought to you by our Google Developer Groups, Student Ambassadors, and local developers. 
GDG Birgunj will be screening the Google I/O Extended 014 video at the following date, time and place.
Screenshot from 2014-06-24 12:55:19.png
Venue: Birgunj Institute of Technology (BIT), Birgunj, Nepal
Date: 27th June, 2014
Time: 10:00 am (GMT +5:45)

Hurry Up! Don't Forget to Grab the Limited Edition Google I/O T-Shirt
Register Here:

Join us to be the first one to know about Google's latest Technologies, Code labs and much more.. 
Official Event Page: 

Google I/O Extended Agenda Sheet | GDG Birgunj 2014


Time:10 AM - 4 PM

Date: June  27th 2014
Venue: Birgunj Institute of Technology, Birgunj, Nepal

Type of Activity



Registration and T-Shirt Distribution Program
15 minutes
Contact Help Desk before 10:10 AM
Ice Breaker
For many, this will be their first I/O Extended experience and they may not know anyone else in the room.Some ideas to help them  to know each other
30 minutes
Get into Event Hall before 10:15 AM
Google I/O 2014
Viewing Session
Live/Downloaded Video Streaming
TBD (1-2 hrs appx.)
Bring your portable USB storage to Get the HD Video
Lunch Break
Light Lunch Break
30 minutes

Demos & Hangouts
Talks on latest products as defined at I/O 14
15 minutes

Code Lab
Blogging, Google Sites and Android App Inventor
2 hours
Bring your Labtop, Multi-Plug etc yourself
Thanksgiving Session  &
Certificate Distribution [BIT+GDG]
Ending Speech from BIT Personnel and Finally form the GDG Event Organizer
10 minutes (5 mins to each personnel)
Assure you have given your complete Name. Certificate will be provided on the basis of Name you provided at Registration Desk.

For more details:

GDG Campus Road Show | BIT

Posted By: Eena's Store On Friday, April 4, 2014

An Orientation program was placed at Birgunj Institute of Technology (BIT) on Wed, Mar 12, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM.

Dipesh Kumar  and Aman Routh jointly presented on the following topics:
-overview of Google Technologies
-DevArt with Google
-Website v/s Blog v/s Web-Apps
-Drive: Form
-Google Search: Tips and Tricks
-Google Plus
-Developers Tools
-Chrome and Chromium

Here is the Link for the Event Page, And the pictures can be viewed Click HERE

Building the Web | 3 Days Workshop on HTML, CSS, Google Tools,etc

Posted By: Unknown On Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Building the Web

The first workshop of the year kicked off in GDG Birgunj Style, we didn’t expect it to happen so early, and the whole event was planned within 3 days. Deciding the contents, preparing slides, choosing the GDG
members for presentation, registrations of participants etc all was finalized in these 3 days.

We did it in such a rush because we saw an opportunity to kick off, the 3 days holiday at college attracted our senses to hold this event and we get started.

“Building the web” was the name given to the event and was Scheduled to be held from 30th Jan to 1st Feb the event primary focus was teaching the attendees all basics about HTML and CSS as well as about Google tools like Advance search, G Drive, Image search etc.

The Event Starts 

Day 1 ( 30th Jan 2013)

On 30th Jan 2013 the event kicked off with Introduction about Google Developer Group Birgunj.
The Event was Jointly lead by Aman Kumar Routh, Arati Singh and Neha Gupta , the members of GDG Birgunj.
Introduction to GDG Birgunj was given by Aman Kumar Routh .
Later on Neha Gupta carried on with basic of HTML in the first session of the day, 

 The Topic discussed were:
  • Intro to HTML
  • Defining Basic Syntax of HTML
  • Using HTML Attributes
  • Hands-on Practical 
  • Basic Intro to CSS
In the Second session of the day that was after the Snacks break; Intermediate of HTML and some advance level of HTML concepts were introduced like:
  • Form Designing
  • Tables
  • Alignment of Elements
  • Frame 

 Day 2 (31st Jan 2013)

Second day session was lead by Arati Singh, but before introducing new hings we checked out the Tasks we have given to our Attendees.
We were happy to see all of them were doing great with minor errors.
On second day basics of JavaScript was taught to the attendees, they were amazed to see such function and were excited to know more. Moreover we kept on including CSS techniques wherever it was necessary, we wanted to make sure attendees understand properly every part of the code, so Aman kept on defining the CSS terms on a regular basis.

We carried on with Hands on Practical session; the attendees were coding along with us and were getting excited every time they were able to do it without any errors.

The Things introduced were:
  •   Hard coded calculations using JavaScript 
  •  Accepting user input and showing results to them 
  •  Designing of a Whole Personal Enquiry form , which accepted data
    from user and then Displayed them in a Message box.
  •  Many more such Functions using Buttons and other Elements
       After the Snack break we gave them some simple task like 
  •  Designing a simple webpage and changing its background color with a click of button
  • Changing a text to image on click of button as well as with mouse-over. 
  • A simple form for doing Mathematical Calculations….etc.

Now it was time for HTML 5, we started with embedding of Videos in the webpage and gradually move on with 
  • Embedding Audio  and animations, 
  • HTML 5 key elements, and little bit description about Canvas.

Day 3 (1st Feb 2013)

The third day was lead by Aman Kumar Routh, we started with Google tools and the first one was Google Search, we taught them about advance search and showed them real power of search.

Things discussed were:
  • Google advance search
  • Google Image  search
  • Google Drive
  • Google Maps
  • Google calendar
  • Play store
  • Android O/S overview 

Hereby the students and attendees were able to learn and build the web and remix in their own way.
We are looking forward to place such events regularly in near future.

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