Google I/O Extended 2014: Birgunj (Event Summary)

Posted By: Eena's Store On Friday, July 4, 2014

#io14 : Birgunj
Last Year we came up with our First event on 15th May 2013: “Google I/O 2013 Birgunj”. 

This year we are proud for placing two successive Google I/O Extended 2014 in Nepal. 
Last week on 27th of June 2014, Birgunj was charmed with the Google I/O Extended 2014 and on July 7th we will be placing our 2nd I/O event for this season at ILAM.
Event Website For:

#io14 Birgunj
At Birgunj
This was the First Time where we distributed the Official Google I/O Extended '14 T-Shirt and GDG Birgunj Stickers. Although the Swags were limited in number but we manged to make smile on every face. Thanks for your well-wishers for providing great ideas and support for our event.
Over all 60 attendees took part in this event. The Agendas can be studied CLICK HERE. And venue was marked at Birgunj Institute of Technology. Ice Breaker, Google I/O 2014 Viewing Season, Demos & Hangouts, Code Labs and Android App Inventor was the key attraction of the Event.
Food and Swags were provided to the attendees where as career building Tip & Tricks were also mentioned at the event. The talks and Discussion was mainly new Google Tech gears like Android Wears, Android L/TV/Car etc.
And finally the event was closed by the Thanks giving Program, A gimps of smile was seen on every face as they were happy to go home with the GDG Birgunj Event Certificate, T-Shirt and Stickers.

If in case you were not able to attend the event, Here is the YouTube video of the Keynote Session

For more details visit:

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